my name is Flávio Moringa, and I work for Caixa Mágica Software.
My company makes the main Portuguese Linux Distrubution, based on Ubuntu,
and has over 1 million deploys.
We have just set up a mirror for The Document Foundation.
The mirror is acessible through:
For now we'll only mirror the tdf-pub, so no rsync acess should be required.
You can contact me for anything regarding the mirror:
Flávio Moringa
flavio.moringa at caixamagica.pt
The Organization is:
Caixa Mágica Software - Open Source Energy
As for network connection, we have a pretty good bandwidth and traffic
limit, so there should be no problems there, however if it's possible to
give more priority to IP's from Portugal it would be better.
Any questions feel free to ask.
*Flávio Moringa*
Project Leader
Caixa Mágica Software
Energia Open Source
Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Lote 1 - 4.º B,
Edifício Espanha, 1600-196 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel.: +351 217 921 260 Fax: +351 217 921 261
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- [tdf-mirrors] New portuguese mirror for The Document Foundation · Flavio Moringa
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