Rome conference meeting

Hi all,
I would arrange a meeting/workshop/round table during the next
LibreOffice conference in Rome.

The idea is to move forward with our diversity group, talking about the
CoC[0] and the next step to create an inclusive community.

After a quick presentation about the "state of the art" of our community
the agenda could include a shared analysis of all the contribution
areas, underling all the critic aspects that need to be improved (and
some suggestions for reaching the goal).

Where possible and available I would officially invite the member of the
TDF team responsible for that area.

I would love to read some feedback from you before submitting the final
proposal for the conference.



Hello Marina,

I like a lot your idea to organize a meeting/workshop/round table in this
way we can move forward with libreladies and how we can make our community
more inclusive and diverse. I agree with you to talk about CoC because it
is a really important thing that need to be discussed. ​Something else I
wanted to add is SWOT Analysis because I see it as a useful technique for
understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of our community (relating to
diversity), and for identifying both the Opportunities open to us and the
Threats, in this way we can see what to improve.

Once the proposal will be approved we can find even other things that need
to be discussed, like how we can increase the awareness of this group that
we have, how other people can join and what they can do etc.


Dear Marina,

LibreOffice is a community that I am very happy to be in. I didn't felt any
positive or negative discrimination in this communitiy. (That's exactly
what I expected.) And I have never read or heard such a story. Nevertheless
it is good idea to write the rules. But i do not think people are
investigating the behavior of the community before they are included in the
libreoffice project. I think they can understand and decide after joining
the community. We know that there are few women who are interested in the
LibreOffice project. The guidelines are clear enough for me to be involved
in the project. ( but i think some easyhacks are not easy :smiley: ) Code
reviewers are kind and hepfull. Someone who has read a guide and has been
able to join the project will not need much help. Being able to discover
women who have not yet decided what they want to do will increase our count.

If it is appropriate for you, i have an idea. We can quickly reach our
friends in our own circle. every LibreLady should try to get a new
LibreLady. ( I like that name :slight_smile: ) But not only add our groups, whatever
our role in the community, we must work to advance them in this direction. Then
we can ask them to do the same thing.

To apply this method, we should believe that is a real problem. If it is(I
believe it is not.), we will have to leave our ego in a corner.:slight_smile:
We have to sacrifice our very precious leisure time.

It's very easy to write but hard to implement. If we struggle untill the
Rome there will be concrete things we can talk about.


Hi ladies,

I would arrange a meeting/workshop/round table during the next
LibreOffice conference in Rome.


I would love to read some feedback from you before submitting the final
proposal for the conference.

As y'all perhaps know, I'm out.

So I'm somehow less enthusiastic to participate in the conference (but for
misc reasons I guess I will anyway). In particular, I might be unable to speak
about D&I @TDF in public without crying :wink: which is not an image of me I'd
like to have uploaded to YouTube, so I'm rather reluctant to do that.

However if you need i) TDF contributor statistics or ii) helpful resources (I
have plenty, e.g. about Codes of Conduct), I'm happy to provide those.
