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I believe if it had been me: establish the main steering committee, while at the same time get the 
website set up. Then, before ever issuing - especially a BETA VERSION - software, I would use the 
website to introduce the WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, AND HOW of the new organization. Why it exists, 
what brought it on, etc. I had fears that when Oracle completed their take over that would be the 
end of OOo, and maybe it still will be. But you folks know most of those things and there should be 
a central location where I can go to come to a fuller understanding of what is going on.
And then, the final step would be to release the new, finished version of LO! With all the 
introductions, instructions, etc, that all of us out here need to know - what to expect. Is it a 
replacement of OOo? Does it run side by side? What do I need to do to get it installed correctly? 
But, come on, release a BETA VERSION, and we don't even know what the hell is going on yet!
Roxy Robinson

Hi Roxy, all!

Am Montag, den 18.10.2010, 10:08 -0500 schrieb Roxy Robinson:
All concerns seem to be around the foundation, not the software and
its users!!!!

Short answer: Yes. And no.

Long answer ... The concerns are the foundation, the software and its
users. But how to satisfy user needs without software. How to develop
software on a broader basis without the new organizational model? One
fundamental issue of each project is "limited resources" - so you have
to focus, independent of the size of your team. One solution is to do
things step by step.

Our current aim is to create and to promote a solid platform for product
development as fast as possible. Without forgetting the other parties.
Like you :-)

Having everything in place, e.g. the new CMS based website, we can
easily share responsibility with those who want to develop a user
oriented structure of the website. And I'm part of that team, for sure.
Then, we'll be able to provide optimized web content for e.g. (that still shows the same content like

Until we have reached the corresponding sub-goal, we really rely on your
(user) support and your experience. Please guide users on mailing lists,
point them to blogs, or even slightly adapt the current website (please
announce it in advance).


PS: I agree, that the current front page of the website is a mess :-)

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