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Le 2010-10-07 07:34, Jean Hollis Weber a écrit :
On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 07:28 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
Just out of curiosity, are you able to register the country specific
domain even if you are not a citizen of that country? I know that with a
".ca" (Canada) domain, that you agree to a testament citing your
citizenship to Canada -- legally binding. If you are not, you may be
contested freely and you would, more than likely, lose that .ca domain.
People don't have to actually need the particular domain being
contested, but simply report the fact that a person, who is not a
citizen of that country, has registered a country domain without having
proper citizenry.

I thought that most countries had adopted this method.

This is different, if for example, you are a registered entity
worldwide, which is quite expensive. I believe, this is what the
DocumentFoundation hopes to do. Which is why they have expressed their
hope that the DocumentFoundation.(countrycode) domain holders will later
pass-on (donate) back these to the foundation -- once they have legal
entity arranged for that country.

I think that in Australia you (or your company/organisation) must have
some connection with the name you want to register. If it's not your
personal name, you need to provide documentary evidence of a registered
business name or something similar. It's been awhile since I tried to
register a .au name, though, so things could have changed. And I don't
know if you must be a citizen or resident as well.


Same here, but the registered name must have physical offices in our country -- Canada. If there are not, then you may not register. You can try, but you may lose your domain at any time though. I am not sure if this is the case for a "foundation". I imagine, the registration of a foundation would follow a more legal approach and require registration in each country.


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