Hi all,
We are launching a new role in the Native Language communities. This
role aims to improve the communication between the global projects, TDF
and the local communities.
This communication should be directed in two ways: keep local
communities informed on what is happening internationally and keep the
international community informed of what is achieved by the local
My hope is also that TDF will be able to bring more help if it is
informed of the achievements, difficulties, wishes and needs locally.
The role is called Liaison and should be carried by one volunteer chosen
by the local community, or self represented if there is no local
community yet.
To know more about Liaison, please read:
This is a first process that I'd like to enhance with the help of the
Liaison members.
To discuss about the role and (in the future) with other Liaison
members, join:
Don't be shy, introduce yourself and tell us all :)
Sophie Gautier sophi@libreoffice.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: soph
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- [tdf-discuss] New Liaison role for the Native Language Communities · sophi
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