On 11/03/2017 11:00 PM, John Lewis wrote:
c) I am using the spell check built into LibreOffice 5 and I also
sometimes use GNU Aspell.
As soon as you install LibO/AOo/EO/AnO, and then once a quarter, check
the following URLs, and install whichever has the most recent update:
* https://extensions.libreoffice.org/extensions/english-dictionaries
Currently, updates are released every two months.
Project upstream: http://marcoagpinto.cidadevirtual.pt/proofingtoolgui.html
Project source code: https://github.com/marcoagpinto/aoo-mozilla-en-dict
@ Context-Aware Synonym Suggester:
in theory, provides alternative, appropriate words. I've never had it
work correctly, but YMMV.
d) I haven't made any modifications yet. There are some technical
proper nouns that get tagged as misspelled, but I don't even tell the
There are couple of technical dictionaries:
@ English Medical Dictionary options are:
* Australian Medical Dictionary:
* OpenMedSpel (en-us):
@ US English Names Dictionary:
I'm skipping the dictionaries for religious purposes/sacred texts.
I thought that there were chemical, biological, zoological, and
astronomical dictionaries, but I can't find them. :(
What upstream project does the grammar checking come from?
@ Language Tool: https://www.languagetool.org/
Source code: https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool
Programming Language: Java 8.*
Documentation: http://wiki.languagetool.org/
Language Tool FAQ: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/languagetool
Languages it allegedly can do grammar checking for:
* Asturian;
* Belarusian;
* Breton;
* Catalan;
* Chinese;
* Dutch;
* English: (Australian, British, Canadian, New Zealand, South Africa, USA)
* Esperanto;
* French;
* Galican;
* German: (Austria, Germany, Swiss);
* Greek;
* Italian;
* Japanese;
* Khmer;
* Persian;
* Polish;
* Portuguese: (Angola, Brazil, Mocambique, Portugal);
* Romanian;
* Russian;
* Slovak;
* Slovenian;
* Spanish;
* Swedish;
* Tagalog;
* Tamil;
* Ukranian;
Roughly a third of those languages are looking for maintainers.
Roughly a third of those languages have such a small set of rules, that
it won't catch any common errors.
NGram Data is available for:
* English;
* French;
* German;
* Spanish;
The brave can experiment with NGram data for:
* Hebrew;
* Italian;
* Russian;
* Chinese: I don't know if this is Pinyin, Traditional, or Simplified.
Installing all of the available NGram data sets requires 20 GB.
English NGram data set is around 8 GB in size.
The current, stable (2017-09-26/ LT 3.9) extension is 76 MB in size.
The snapshot (20171024) extension is 80 MB in size;
Additional English language grammar checkers are:
* After The Deadline: Cloud Based: No longer supported by the
organisation that created it;
* Scribens: Cloud Based:
I haven't had any success in using it. YMMV.;
From a previous post:
I have been using as proof readers
@ Linguist:
One of the configuration options, creates a list of every word in the
document. You will have to manually walk through the generated word
list. It won't catch incorrectly used Homonyms, but inconsistent
spellings are easily spotted.
Screen readers can be useful proof readers.
@ Read Text
* https://extensions.libreoffice.org/extensions/read-text
This reads the document text.
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