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Hi Lera

Le 9 oct. 2015 15:06, "Lera" <> a écrit :
It's no secret that we now have the import Gnumeric [1][2]. This is very
news for all of us, the LO and Gnumeric became a little closer. And in the
Russian community have been waiting for this news for a long time. But I
a some question.
We (in Russian community) need to describe the operation of the filter.
That is
how a person can open the file gnumerik to see anything. To date, the
works as follows.

variant №1

1. start LibreOffice
2. select "Open file" on Start Screen
3. Search and select your .gnumeric file
4. push key Open
5. file open in Writer as xml

variant №2

1. open Calc
2. select File->Open
3. Search and select your .gnumeric file
4. push key Open
5. file open in Calc as text import in format xml.

variant №3

1. open Calc or start LO
2. select File->Open
3. select type of file Gnumeric Spredsheet in drop-down list
4. Search and select your .gnumeric file
5. push key Open
6. file not open. will show an error message "total input error output"

Do the filter works at all?
From the short correspondence with Marcus in dev channel [3] and his
in wiki [4], I realized that in his opinion the filter is working
properly and
he wants that about filter learned the whole world. Three ways to open a
will cause a strong reaction at least in the Russian segment of the
community and deter people from LO. In addition, our competitors may take
advantage of (and I think certainly will take advantage of) this
situation .
So I would like to be prepared for attacks, and to represent what can I
Could anybody explain to me how this filter works, please?
I experienced the same issue as yours, will comment the bug. However, this
version is the first alpha of a new branch, so bugs are more than expected
and that's why we test them so early. Marcus has spent time to develop that
filter and I'm sure all what he wants is that it works. So please let him
the time to get feedback and also the time he needs to fix it. I've never
seen a developer breaking things by purpose :-)

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