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I remember seeing a discussion about the White Paper, and I hope that
translations to other languages will be done.

That will help a lot.

Here in Canada, the Quebec government is about to spend 1.4 billion $ to
upgrade 500,000 desktops from MSO 2003 to MSO 2013.
This is only the provincial public service and does not include
municipal/city-level public service with approx another 300,000.

The original intent of my message (sorry if I used the wrong mailing list)
was to make a blog post to say that we as a community are aware of the
end-of-life for MSO 2003 that is less than a year away, and here are some
reasons why you should make the switch.

Yes, the formats are not perfect, and yes the license is free.
But most important, LibreOffice has 99% (?) of the same functionalities of
MSO and answers the need of 99% (?) of end-users, either individuals or

LibreOffice is the alternative!

Cheers from Montreal


On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Jonathan Aquilina

The latest tools allow one to search the keywords before actually using
them in relation to the number of clicks as of late.

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Italo Vignoli <
On 4/22/13 4:28 PM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
Italo are you planning on taking advantage of other means besides
networks such as google plus facebook twitter etc are you planning an
advertisement campaing through google adwords?
We can probably enhance our Google AdWords by including terms related to
MS Office end-of-life support, although we should make some research to
get the right wording. Especially when you target this kind of long
descriptions, Google AdWords become tricky, as you might completely miss
your target by choosing the wrong association.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
skype italovignoli - gtalk

Jonathan Aquilina

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