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Tony Pursell schrieb:

There will be a lock file in the folder where the file is stored.


I doubt, user said that he is new and the effect is for ANY file ...

For help requests you should consider similar rules like for a bug report, that eases to help. May be hints on <> will help you to find out what information will be useful?
Please add all information requested in following:
- concerning your PC
- Network, Harddisk, Location of documents
- What is with a Newly created and saved document?
- concerning your OS (Version, Distribution, Language)
- concerning your LibO version (with Build ID if it's not a public
  release) and localization (UI language, Locale setting)
- Whether your problem persists when you renamed your user profile
  before you launch LibO (please see

I do not know a current Bug report on
concerning such a problem.


Rainer Bielefeld

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