On 12/31/2012 02:40 PM, Immanuel Giulea wrote:
Hello all,
In the marketing materials that I am writing covering LO vs AOO, I was
wondering if it would be relevant to go into an explanation about why the
GPL/LGPL licence used by LO was superior to the ASL as a "true open source".
I found this great document that explains the three "most common" licences:
ASL, GPL and LGPL (MPL is not included) (1, 2)
Any thoughts on how relevant it would be to extract some of the information
and apply it on the materials?
Cheers and Happy New Year
(2) http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/10518967
As I was told, LO's license will allow the developer to own the coding
they are sharing with the project, where AOO's really will give that
project the ownership of the coding. Whether or not the "wording" is
stating that, that is what most developers I have "talked" with have
told me.
I really thing the whole thing comes down to the fact that the was LO
does its licensing is better for the individual developers, or so I have
been told. If the people who are developing the project feels that one
type of licensing is better for them and their work than another one,
then they may avoid a project that does not have their preferred licenses.
I no longer write programs for a living, but did back in the mainframe
and early PC days. I wrote a lot of packages for others, but for those
things I wrote for myself for my PCs, I wanted to make sure, in the end,
I owned what I wrote and no one could claim ownership over it.
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