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What about extensions for existing browsers ?

You talk about creating a browser without even a differenciation factor
which makes the idea irrelevant. And I'm not even talking about the
resources as some of you might have mentioned.

But on the other side, browser extensions might actually be a good idea,
especially for Firefox and Chrome. Opening an odt directly in you browser
via a LibreOffice extension for example ?

Florian Monfort
Marketing Apprentice at Red Hat
Marketing Team at The Document Foundation
Student at France Business School
+33 6 58 97 15 61
On Nov 9, 2012 8:12 AM, "Jonathan Aquilina" <> wrote:

Yifan web based support is already in the works. Michael Meeks is
conducting that work, but its not ready for use yet.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 8:05 AM, Yi Fan Jiang <> wrote:

Hi Randolph,

Unfortunately my first response is NO.

The development might be for fun, but I didn't see a persuasive
reason of why we need one browser in a office suite. IMHO, in that case
we seem not to improve foreseeable usability, functionality or
to the suite, will we?

Instead, in an other way, I'd rather to put such an effort in improving
Libreoffice by put it into a browser, while obviously it is another thing

Best wishes,

"Randolph D." <> 11/09/12 5:05 AM >>>
Dear all,
after some talks with some board members, the request rised to include
more members and developers in the idea of adding a browser to
We know this needs time and work, but would not be impossible to add it
the installer and create a place to be for it, and see, how the community
reacts to it and requests more interaction. This security orientated
browser would be a good codebasis for that:
Any pro or cons from anyone? No person in the office works today without
the internet, the consequence is, an office suite needs or could provide
open source browser. Anyone interested to test or join the idea or
recommendations for the steps to plan?
Regards Randolph

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Jonathan Aquilina

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