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On 05/18/2012 06:57 AM, GwenDragon wrote:
No new ideas to fix the problem of incorrect reimport of formatting
in LibreOffice 3.5 with the Kallos (and other font families) font problem?

Are you using the OpenType version of Kallos ITC?
If so you might want to have a look through some of these to see if
anything is similar:


I have _many_ ITC fonts on my Ubuntu/Debian system (way too many to list
here), and for the most part I can select them in LO ([1], where
I cannot select all choices in Abiword, or Kword. For example, if I
select an ITC .otf font galliard:

$ locate galliard

As you can see, the only galliard fonts on this system are .otf.

In LO 3.5 (via Format|Character) I can select ITC Galliard:
Bold Italic
Ultra Italic
Black Italic

I made a file with each font selection, took a screenshot & added it to
the file, saved the file, closed LO and reopened LO and the file.

Before saving I noticed that the bolding seemed to be backwards (with
bold selected the font appears normal, with bold unselected from LO icon
the font appears bold).

After saving I noticed (in addition to the bolding) when checking
- Italic changed UltraItalic
- Roman changed to Ultra
It is repeatable & I'll add a pdf and odt of the document on your bug


[1] LibreOffice
Build ID: 235ab8a-3802056-4a8fed3-2d66ea8-e241b8

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