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Le 2012-05-21 17:21, Bruce Byfield a écrit :
On Monday, May 21, 2012 01:53:04 PM Simos Xenitellis wrote:
My apologies for not being clearer. I wasn't talking about this
particular template, but the default examples given in LibreOffice
Can you elaborate on individual files? I think it would be ideal to
describe the task,
in case someone can take it up.
The examples that the bibliographical database ships with are have nonsense
Identifiers like BOR04. The Identifiers should be in the format that appears in
the text -- for example, Smith: 1991.

Then, just to add to the confusion, the dialog window in which you insert a
bibliographical reference into the text refers to the Identifier as the "Short
name." So does the database summary for a single entry.

This confusion has existed ever since the code was first released.
Since there have been no complaints, I wonder if anyone has ever used the
bibliographical database.

What's needed is a few samples in a chosen citation style that makes the use
of the database obvious.

If someone can work this out we could most likely have it changed.


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