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On Tue, 2012-01-24 at 12:48 -0200, Olivier Hallot wrote:
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Hi All,

Em 24-01-2012 09:03, Cor Nouws escreveu:
Florian Effenberger wrote (24-01-12 11:26)

I think this would exclude a fair amount of contributors. Many of e.g.
the code contributors are not members, but indeed do a very valueable
work. Excluding them from voting sounds wrong.
And it's not logic: the conference is not meant for members only.

We are talking on choosing the location, not about non-member
participating at the conference.

Since TDF will be strongly involved into the organization of the
conference, that shall be an internal voting, IMHO.

Voting is a measure of traceable membership participation/activity.
Otherwise we can get spammed on untraceable votes to send us where we
don't want LibCon to happen.


Though we should certainly solicit input from anyone during the
deliberation period it seems most appropriate for the final decision to
be made by the foundation members.

Best wishes,


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