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Wouldnt that require us to migrate from the current 10.4 sdk which 
everything is built against to the latest 10.7 in regards to API's?
Not necessarily. This is not a technical list, so this will probably make the
eyes glaze over for most readers, but still:

As long as only calling new instance methods of existing classes, and adding new
instance methods to existing subclass implementations (hopefully I got the
Objective-C terminology right) is involved, it can be done quite nicely to be
optional at run-time and compiling fine against the 10.4 SDK.

Example, from my experimental patch to vcl/aqua/source/window/salframe.cxx:

// On 10.7 and later, If the window has a title bar and is
// resizable, we make it full-screenable. The ideal would be to do
// it only for document windows, but how to figure out that?
if (GetSalData()->mnSystemVersion >= 0x1070) {
  if ((mnStyleMask & NSTitledWindowMask) 
      && (mnStyleMask & NSResizableWindowMask)) {
    // If compiled against a SDK version earlier than 10.7
    // NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary won't be
    // defined so define it ourselves. Note that we can't use
    // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 in this #if as such a macro is
    // not defined in earlier SDKs...

    enum {
      NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary = (1 << 7)

    int behavior = (int) objc_msgSend(mpWindow, @selector(collectionBehavior));
    behavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;

    objc_msgSend(mpWindow, @selector(setCollectionBehavior:), behavior);

Note the use of objc_msgSend and @selector there. Using normal Objective-C
syntactic sugar and calling [mpWindow collectionBehavior] and [mpWindow
setCollectionBehavior: behavior] would not compile against the 10.4 SDK as
collectionBehavior is present only in the 10.5 SDK and later. 

Compiles fine against the 10.4 SDK, works as intended on 10.7. Should work fine
on earlier OSes, too, but I haven't verified that.


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