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On 8 April 2011 19:06, Jaime R. Garza <> wrote:

For Android and iPhone it doesn't make sense to have the whole LO, only
Clac, Writer & Impress are needed urgently!

Probably only Writer and Calc and an Impress viewer in the first instance.
Snag is Uno. Replacing Uno with a web common platform would be one way to do
it but it would mean you had to have web access to use the apps.

If LO manages to place those three apps for Android, ODF will gain momentum.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 21:01, todd rme <> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Jonathan Aquilina
<> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:36 AM, toki <> wrote:
On 06/04/2011 14:43, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
How much of LO would need to be ported since android is linux based

Basically, it needs to be rewritten in a language that can be compiled
into Dalvik Bytecode.

The usual language is Java, but at least one C++ compiler that
accomplishes the same effect exists.
If one c++ compiler already exists then wouldnt it be easy as just
the compiler to compile?
Almost certainly not, it most likely needs to be able to support the
proper Android APIs to work properly.  And that is only to get it
working as-is, without any reworking of the UI to be better on a
touch-based device.


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