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Hello Petr,

On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 21:51 +0100, Petr Mladek wrote:

I have reproduced the bug with the LO-3.3-rc3 build for SLED11-SP1. I do
not see it with the plain LO-3.3-rc3 build => it is SUSE-specific.
Yup, I did reproduce the problem in the build from SUSE's repository.
Indeed this looks bad.

Cedric, Kohei, I am not sure if it is a bug in Writer or Calc. 
This is a Writer table, so it has no relation to Calc's code.

I guess
that it is caused by the an extra patch from the build/patches
directory. Does it trigger any bell?
First thing that comes to mind is the extra formula support in Writer
table which was still a patch in the build repo & not integrated into
LibreOffice proper.  That's probably the only thing that I can think of.

But I think Cedric would be the better person to figure this out.


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc

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