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Nguyen Vu Hung <vuhung16plus <at>> writes:
The next version should be a (simple) ODF editor on Android.

I am thinking of two approaches

1. Use an old brach of OOo - so that the memory footprint - shoul
    be as small as possible using Android NDK.

# Question: what is the oldest OOo version that supports ODF v1.0?

2. Extend the framework JOpenDocument, make it able to edit
    ODF files.

I can't do the coding anymore but if you can wait, I will make it
on Google Summer of Code this year - as a mentor :)


We didn't think about wether it's possible
 to extend our "library" for editing or not yet.

However, I suspect it's not impossible:
 Basically we just translate XML-tags into HTML-tags.
 When editing files, it's almost
 only the inversion of what we're doing now.

At the moment we're focusing on getting displaying
 documents right.
 There's still a lot to do:
 - more formatting
 - graphics
 - ...

For now, supporting Spreadsheets has the highest priority
 because our sponsor (De Bortoli Wines) wants to
 be able to view Spreadsheets on Android in two months.

Additionally, we're thinking about rewriting
 the whole "library".
 I hope to do that as fast as possible, 
 so others can contribute on a "solid" base soon
 (at the moment I don't want others to invest a lot of time in 
 contributing code while we plan to rewrite it completely).

@Jaime: Can't wait to hear from you!
 Please contact me directly via mail when you're ready.
 As you can see, I don't feel very comfortable with this
 mailing list... ;)

Glad you like the idea behind my app!
 I hope we can build a lot more stable, robust
 and functional app in the future (hopefully together).

Have a nice day

PS: Sorry if I need a little longer to answer here. 
 I'm not used to mailing lists.

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