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Hi Johannes, Omar

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:50 PM, Omar Paz <> wrote:

2010/12/3 Johannes A. Bodwing <>


late, but I found it just right now.

Hi, :-)

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:20, Sonic4Spuds<>

"productivity software for home and office"

Corel calls Word Perfect Office X5 "The essential office suite for home

Maybe that is why I haven't seen Word Perfect installed on a machine locally
(State Of Ohio US) since 1998. The users I know think MSO when they see the
"essential office suite."

For LO I think, it has to hook up into the real working of users; that
means what users realy do with Office-Software (realize ideas, writing
e.g.) like:
LibreOffice is The (Software)Collection to create your ideas (everytime,
everywhere and with indivudial style)

Este suena bien

LibreOffice - The (Software)Collection to make your ideas real

Un poco mas pequeño
"LibreOffice - make your ideas real"

LibreOffice - The (Software)Collection to realize your ideas in home or
LibreOffice - Software for fine Workings in Text and Graphik
LibreOffice - Fine Software to improve your Work
LibreOffice - One more step to better Texts and Graphiks

and so on

or: LibreOffice - it's just for You

IMO, this is one hits closer to home for American users. They like things
that are
designed just for them individually, in reality or implied. Americans are a
possessive bunch.
That is why their is so much hardware, software and websites named in the
Think... Me, My, Mine. I am sure you have noticed MS goes overboard with
My... My... My...

Like: LibreOffice - Designed For You
or maybe Ubuntu style: LibreOffice - Designed For People

Go LibO ;>)



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