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I adore the Citrus UI stuff. Absolutely amazing.
It reminds me a bit of a dtp rather than an office suite, which is
good. And it also reminds me of Adobe Lightroom (also very good).
The idea of a standalone app is good, but it could also already load
stuff which is needed for writer or calc (depending on how often you
use them). Usually it takes the user some seconds to decide on what he
or she wants to do. And the minimal loading bar is also a great idea.

2010/10/28 Mirek M. <>:
Hi everyone,
Here's my proposal on how to replace the splash screen:
The Start Center would lose the standard chrome of LibO and stand as a very
lightweight application that opens while LibO loads, removing the need for a
splash screen.
For individual applications (where the Start Center is skipped over), there
would be an undistracting notification that the app is opening.

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