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Hi Santiago,

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Santiago Bosio <> wrote:

I'm Santiago Bosio. For years I've been collaborating with OOo
developing the set of dictionnaries for spanish spellchecking and
recently coordinating l10n translations and QA for Spanish OOo

I wish to express my full commitment to this project. For some years
many of us were somewhat dissapointed with the decision taking
processes in our beloved OOo. It seemed (I'm just speaking for myself)
that volunteer collaborators hadn't the same weight on decisions as
Sun/Oracle's engineers. I want to congratulate you for the courage you
have shown in creating this new project.

I truly believe this will advance our project and community to a
better level of collaboration and feedback from users, improving the
overall quality of LibreOffice.

Count on me for whatever it's necessary.

Thanks for you support, and welcome :) It's great to have you here.

Kind regards
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