Budget overview for 2018


find attached an overview of the budget as approved by the board recently. Looking forward to all the exciting and interesting projects that are upcoming!

Freelancers, contractors and employees: 484.933,15 €
Accounting and legal advice: 27.490,00 €
Office cost & discretionary spending: 15.000,00 €
Trainings: 5.000,00 €
Infrastructure: 59.000,00 €
LibOCon & FOSDEM: 40.000,00 €
Community events: 27.000,00 €
Certification project 1st part: 2.500,00 €
Marketing budget: 31.500,00 €

Pending special projects: 143.849,76 €
  Templates and extensions site
  Improved Format Validity Checks
  Accessibility improvements
  Image handling re-work
  Deprecate SVG filter in favour of SVGIO
  HSQLDB binary format import
  Pending legal fees
  Hamburg Hackfest & Tender

New special projects: 35.840,00 €
  2x Mac Pro for CI
  Build Machine for QA
  EU / COSM project

Our ledgers are published up to end-March at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Ledgers

The preliminary closing ledger for 2017 has been available there already for a while. We will publish slightly updated numbers of the 2017 spendings together with the annual report that currently is in the layouting phase.

Thanks everyone for your generous support with time, money and enthusiasm!