Membership Committee elections - List of candidates

Dear members,

as previously announced [1], all members of The Document Foundation
are called to vote on a new Membership Committee.

Members of The Document Foundation [2] as of the day before the
announcement are eligible to vote in the elections. The nomination
period is now over, and we have received the following candidacies, in
order of receipt:

- Leif Lyngby Lodahl
- Jean-Baptiste Faure
- Charles-H. Schulz
- Jan Holešovský
- David Emmerich Jourdain
- Andras Timar
- László Németh
- Sigrid Carrera
- Cor Nouws
- Cédric Bosdonnat
- Jesús Corrius Llavina
- Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
- Zeki Bildirici
- Gabriele Ponzo
- Gerald Geib

If you nominated yourself for elections, or have been nominated by
someone else, and are not mentioned in the above list, please get in
touch with us as soon as possible, but no later than 2014-09-03, 20:00
CET/UTC+2, at

There are five (5) committee, and two (2) additional deputy seats to
be filled during this election. Therefore a total of seven (7) slots
are available, and will be selected by a single transferable vote
system, seats filled in decreasing order of preference. Should more
than two of the top seven vote-getters be affiliated with the same
company, only the two with the most votes will be considered
elected. This election is according to our statutes [3], and the term
of office is two years.

All discussion related to the elections should be held on where members are invited to ask
questions to one or all candidates. Instructions explaining how to
vote will be sent via e-mail to all eligible voters in time before the

As previously announced [1], the actual election period will START at
2014-09-04, 00:00 CET/UTC+2 and END at 2014-09-11, 24:00 CET/UTC+2.

All eligible voters will receive an individual voting token via e-mail
sent to the address we have registered in the membership database,
with a subject of "Your Document Foundation 2014 Membership Committee
Voting Token". Please do not share this token with anyone as only you
are entitled to use it. In case you have not received your token
within 24 hours after the start of the election as outlined above, and
after having checked your spam folder, please write to AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

We are looking forward to the elections, and would like to thank you
for your work, engagement and dedication for The Document Foundation!

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Thorsten Behrens



[3] (non-binding English