additional BoD minutes from 2012-11-14


attached are the additional board meeting minutes from the BoD phone meeting on November 14th. Unfortunately, we missed voting on the topic during the public part of the call, which is why there are additional minutes.

This message is to be archived by the BoD and its deputies.


Minutes 2012-11-14

The Document Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Call Minutes

Location: Phone conference room

Keeper of the minutes: Thorsten Behrens (Board of Directors)
Session chair: Florian Effenberger (Chairman of the Board)

Attending: Michael Meeks (Board of Directors), Thorsten Behrens
(Deputy Chairman of the Board), Florian Effenberger (Chairman of the
Board), Italo Vignoli (Board of Directors), Caolan McNamara (Board of
Directors), Bjoern Michaelsen (Board of Directors Deputy), Andreas
Mantke (Board of Directors Deputy)

Representation: Bjoern Michaelsen represents Olivier Hallot (Board of

Chairman of the Board is in the call. One of the Chairman or Deputy is
required to be present or represented for having a quorate call.

The Board of Directors at time of the call consists of 7 seat holders
without deputies. In order to be quorate, the call needs to have 1/2
of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4. A total of 6 Board
of Directors members are attending the call, one of them being
represented by a deputy.

The board waives all formal statutory requirements, or requirements in
the foundations articles, or other requirements regarding form and
invitation, time limits, and for the topics discussed in this meeting.

The call is quorate.

From now on, a quorum can be reached with a simple majority of 4 votes.

The meeting commences at 16:31 UTC.

1. Include Lanedo as an Advisory Board member

Discussion: Lanedo, providing engineering services around LibreOffice
and being present in the ESC, applies for an advisory board seat.

Request: include Lanedo in the TDF advisory board.

Result of vote: 6 approvals, 0 neutral, 0 disapprovals

End of agenda, no additions.

Attending at the end of the meeting: Michael Meeks (Board of
Directors), Thorsten Behrens (Deputy Chairman of the Board), Florian
Effenberger (Chairman of the Board), Italo Vignoli (Board of
Directors), Caolan McNamara (Board of Directors), Bjoern Michaelsen
(Board of Directors Deputy), Andreas Mantke (Board of Directors

The meeting adjournes at 16:36 UTC.

Meeting minutes approved:

Thorsten Behrens, Keeper of the minutes
Florian Effenberger, Session chair