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LibreOffice Community invites to Munich Hackfest

City of Munich LiMux project hosts Hackfest late November
Fostering the developer community of the free office suite

The LibreOffice Community today announces the next Hackfest, taking place in Munich, Germany from November 23rd to 25th. With developers of the leading free office suite working on improving the code, the Hackfest promises to be a major event for everyone interested in developing free software.
"With LibreOffice being a virtual project with hackers engaging from 
around the globe over the Internet, meeting everyone face-to-face at the 
Hackfest is a highlight of the year. Working on the code, meeting 
friends and colleagues, having a fantastic time together, plus getting 
in touch with other free software projects - it's going to be a very fun 
and productive weekend!", says Eilidh McAdam, one of the active 
LibreOffice developers, who joined the community in 2011.
The Document Foundation recently has announced the 500th code 
contributor, with volunteers and corporate sponsored developers being 
well balanced. The Hackfest is open for everyone, from interested 
newbies to experienced developers. Participation is free of charge, 
couchsurfing can be organized.
The community would like to thank the city of Munich for their 
invitation, and for hosting the Hackfest!
All details are available at The organizers 
ask for registration, to help planning.
The Document Foundation, the charitable entity behind LibreOffice, also 
started a fundraising campaign to define their budget for the next year. 
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