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Hi Florian, *,

Am 07.08.2014 15:49 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

Alexander Werner schrieb am 2014-08-07 um 15:34:

I saw that GMANE Archives seem to have stopped parsing our mails or are delayed - have a look at and compare it with Has anyone of you experienced this behavior 
I’ll have it on my todo after my vacation from August 10-18th.

by coincidence, I stumbled across the fact that the GMANE search seems to
have those messages - maybe it's a local problem with their system. Would be
interesting to know if GMANE NNTP users experience the same problem or not...

No,  not here. At this moment:
Re: [libreoffice-users] What version?, Pikov Andropov, Thu Aug 07 22:32:44 GMT 2014

last Mail/News in nntp is:
From: Pikov Andropov <>
Subject: Re: What version?
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:32:42 -0400
Message-ID: <>

last message in

so it appears to be itches in the webinterface of this particular list.

No such issue in the german language sister list..

Friedrich ;o))
Friedrich Strohmaier
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