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I've been trying countless times to replicate this warning, but everything seems ok now. It was probably a false positive or another machine on the university network that triggered the warning.

King regards,
Filipe Carvalho

On 09/26/2016 06:40 PM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi *,

admin-contact of in bcc..

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Ekari <> wrote:
I would like to advise the removal of this mirror at least temporarily and
I don't see reason for removing the mirror from our rotation, it is
one of three mirrors in pt
and if you run into the problem you can pick a different mirror manually.

inform the responsible department of:

Reason: Norton ConectSafe Public DNS detects this mirror as containing
Typically this is false alarm.. I guess the message doesn't give any
further details on that?

any computer worldwide using their DNS servers will not have access to this
mirror and if this mirror is the closest to the person downloading
LibreOffice it will be blocked.

Steps to reproduce:
Set up the DNS servers as the Norton ones:
Try to access the page now.

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