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at the moment, we are looking for volunteers who could help moderate this mailing list.

If you are interested, the only requirement is that you are subscribed to the list yourself and read its mails in a somehow timely manner, but that's about it.

Moderation means dealing with e-mails that do not automatically make it to the list, which you then manually forward, or reject. This happens either when an e-mail comes from an unknown sender, e.g. when a project member uses a different address for posting. It also occurs when someone unexperienced writes to the list, thinking it's a private account, but in fact it's a public list.

You'll receive the message to be moderated via e-mail, which you then can either "moderate through", or reject.

Is someone interested in joining our efforts? It'd be much appreciated - just drop me an email (please also copy me directly, and not only the list), then I'm happy to add you to the list of moderators.


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