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On 10/02/2011 08:38 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

  1. I would have preferred that the last paragraph under "Top-Posting vs. Bottom-posting" followed the 
"Avoid Advocacy" guidance better.  On the whole, I find the page admirable, civil, and useful.
You are right. I have amended the paragraph, and I have also changed the 
Avoid Advocay section to improve the clarity.
  2. I have an offer.  What formatting by senders will most powerfully serve those on 
[libreoffice-accessibility]? What do those with access limitations confirm to be the best that 
works for all of them?  Whatever *that* is, I will do everything in my power to honor.
I am not an expert about accessibility, but I recall that this is one of 
the cases where top posting is the best choice. I suggest to have a 
double check, though, as I am not competent in this domain.
Italo Vignoli
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