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2010/12/7 Samuel Mehrbrodt <>

Today there was an announcement that KOffice got a new name (Calligra)
and they also renamed some of the Applications. "KWord" became "Words",
"KSpread" became "Tables" and "KPresenter" was renamed to "Stages".

I was wondering whether such a name change has been considered for the
LibreOffice Applications. The point is that I don't really like the
current names. I'm not a Name Designer, but Writer, Calc and Impress
don't really sound good in my ears and I would even say that most people
using OpenOffice would not know the names of the Applications they are
using, only that it's OpenOffice.

If LibreOffice changed the names of the Applications shipping, that
might also help people to differentiate between OpenOffice and
LibreOffice in Future.

Here a comparison of the names of text processing, spreadsheet and
presentation program of six Office Suites:

MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Apple iWork: Pages, Numbers, Keynote
Calligra(former KOffice): Words, Tables, Stages
Softmaker Office: Textmaker, Planmaker, Presentations
Corel WordPerfect Office: WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, Presentations Writer, Calc, Impress

I think MS Office, iWork and now Calligra have the best names for their
applications. It's easy to spell and easy to remember.
I would like to hear what everyone else is thinking about changing names
for LibreOffice applications.

I also don't like the current names much either. IMHO, they don't sound very
good and they don't describe the apps well either. "Calc" makes the app
sound like it's an advanced calculator, not a spreadsheet app, "Impress" is
too generic, and "Writer" sounds like a specialized tool for writers. I do
like the names for "Draw", "Base", and "Formula", though.

Samuel M.

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