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Koffice do both, raster (with krita) and vector (with karbon14)
editing. And they have a great concept called "flakes" that gives you
the ability to call any koffice component inside any koffice app. For
instance, you can have vector layers con krita, or bitmap layers on
karbon... or kword layers on both.
But build something like that is a HUGE work: they started several
years ago with the "port" (it is more a rewrite from scratch) to qt4
and the work is still far from being complete.
Even if editing any kind of graphics is a "nice to have" feature, I
think LibO need to build a solid base first. There are already good
open source apps to do the job so integrating with those apps
(properly embed/display/export-to-pdf of svg/eps files, for example)
will pay more than going for "the one office suite to rule them all".
We need to make what we have rock solid before going for more. The big
risk of adding every possible feature is to end with something like
pretty, but useless.
Just my 2 ยข

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