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Hi Larry,

Larry Gusaas schrieb:

On 2010/10/09 10:46 AM Florian Effenberger wrote:

on our side, only senders who are subscribed to the list can post to
it. I won't change this, as otherwise every spammer can just flood the
list with emails.


Allowing posting from Gmane without subscription to this list will not
allow spammers to flood the list. Gmane requires confirmation from
sender for each list the sender posts to. Also any spammer can be
reported and dealt with.

Perhaps you should look at Gmane spam policy

Please not now - Florian's to-do-list is higher than any mountain I know of.

If we are able to work with normal workload, allowing postings from Gmane would be a topic.

As it was possible at, I'm quite sure it would be possible for our lists too.

But please let's pend this topic for some more weeks - it is *not* the most important thing Florian has to do now.

When our wiki is set up, we should create a list with topics like this, so it is not forgotten, but can be handled later on.

Best regards


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