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Hi Andreas, *,

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Andreas Mantke <> wrote:
Am Freitag, 3. Februar 2012, 14:08:58 schrieb Jesús Corrius:
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Florian Effenberger
<> wrote:
I am open for discussion, of course, but I wonder that you seem to have a
different opinion now, since the BoD has voted on this during the last
call. ;-)

I am just open to discussions ;) But I was just talking to this
particular case, we need to define this for the future.

If this is talking about the future, I wonder, why you jump into this thread.

Got out of the bed with the wrong foot first?

We had a public discussion and decision of the BoD already. If there are no unknown
facts or new arguments, we should not discuss and decide again (and again).

I admit that I didn't follow the meeting, did not read the minutes,
but what Jesús did propose would make a nice compromise, wouldn't it
(not suggesting that it should be used for this year's voting, but to
consider for the next round)

A possible solution would be:

1. Invite all the TDF members to vote by default.
2. If you are not a member of the TDF but you also want to vote, send
a message to someone (Florian maybe? :P) and you will be invited.

Point 2 would be a nice job ;-(
Maybe we will also hear some complaints, if someone missed to send a mail in time.

I absolutely don't get your point. You are saying that writing a mail
is too much work, and that not writing a mail to be invited is a
Those non-TDF-members are not allowed to vote now, so how is opening a
door for them too much of a problem?

But maybe I completely misunderstood and you're talking about the
opposite side, the group of people that are needed to process those
manual requests (i.e. create a voting token and send out the
corresponding link)

I think we should invite every contributor to apply for a membership status and then
he / she could vote for the venue of the conferences 2013 and later. It would be good
to increase our member base.

But a rather bad reason. If you register just to be able to vote, then
your commitment to the project is questionable, and thus the entire
membership status is questioned. (remember that becoming a member
requires past contributions (in whatever form) and the moral
commitment to continue contributing in a similar fashion). "I want to
vote for the location of the next conference" is not enough in my

(But don't get me wrong, sending messages to known contributors who
did not yet apply for membership is of course fine, but not if the
reason behind is "otherwise you won't be able to vote for the


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