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On 22 June 2011 15:24, Italo Vignoli <> wrote:

On 6/22/11 1:40 PM, Ian Lynch wrote:

 Ah, I just edited it! Sorry if that makes things more difficult. Feel free
to delete anything you don't like!

No problem, I have printed a comparison of the two versions, but it looks
like you just improved the contents quite a lot. I am keen about
understanding more about EU funded projects, and it look like you are quite
knowledgeable here. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to study the
topic, and I think I will spend some time during my holidays doing this. Do
you have any specific readings to suggest?

Where to start :-)

This is the general EU web site for various grant applications.

This is the UK site for the two projects we have running

There should be similar at the Italian National Agency but I couldn't find
it with obvious searches :-(

The OpenOffice project application was submitted through OpenSaar in
Germany. I wrote it but we thought it better to go through a different
partner. I can send you a copy to show you the sort of thing involved. We
could simply modify that application and submit it to the Italian NA with
some different partners or indeed submit variations to several NAs. Its
about 300,000 Euros for each one that is successful to share between the
partners. Transfer of Innovation is probably the easiest to get through.
About a third of applications are successful. Need 4 or 5 different national
partners for each application and one to act as project promoter and
coordinator. There are other grants for mobilities and networking but they
generally just pay travel expenses. If someone has a few schools in an area
using FOSS they could arrange a study visit so other FOSS people get
expenses paid for a weeks conference. I couldn't get anywhere with Sun on
any of this in the old OOo days so I just went off and did it myself.

Italo Vignoli
mobile +39.348.5653829
VoIP +39.02.320621813
skype italovignoli

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